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Analyzing Candle Flames To Jumpstart Your Manifestation

Candle Flames Meaning

Candle Flames & Their Meanings

In the previous blog post, we discussed various candle colors and their meanings, especially when it comes to manifesting your goals and desires. I hope you were able to understand different colors and their significance in the energy healing world. Now in this post, we will take the manifestation journey a step further by analyzing different candle flames, and how they can help you tap into the right frequency.

Candle magic is incomplete if you don’t know how to read the candle flames. When you start decoding the actual meaning just by looking at the flame, it takes no time for you to turn your manifestation into reality. Things automatically start falling into place and you find yourself brimming with confidence and luck.

Let’s dive in to uncover the meanings of candle flames.

Small Flame

Small candle flames indicate you are still dealing with the limiting beliefs that you must resolve. It basically represents the slow burn issue - you’re taking too long to move on. No matter what you’re manifesting, believe in yourself. Believe in your energy. Start wearing the manifestation bracelet, and say goodbye to those limiting beliefs.

Big Flame

Big candle flames indicate the amount of efforts and energy you’re putting into something. If you notice big candle flames while performing your manifestation rituals, congratulations! You’re on your way to achieve your desired goal. Now only thing you need to do is focus! Focus on your surroundings and try to protect your aura. Save your energy; avoid involving into unnecessary things. Don't forget to cleanse your aura regularly with Libbie Beaded Bracelet.

Black Burn

Black candle flames are one of the major issues people deal with when they perform their candle rituals. If you notice the candle burns black on the clear glass, it is a clear indication of negative energies around you. Your belief system needs attention. Your aura needs your attention. Try cleansing your aura every 3-4 days with ancient sages or herbal leaves. If you don’t know how to cleanse it properly or don’t have time to do it, just wear Royalin Beaded Bracelet and you’re good to go! It’s already charged with shamanic cleansing energies, so all you need to do is wear the bracelet and focus on your intentions.

Fast Burn

If the candle is burning fast - no matter the size of the flame - it means your manifestation is already on track! You have very limited beliefs and your intention is clear. Everything is great; just protect yourself from evil eyes. Use the Spell Bracelet that is especially designed to protect your aura from all the evil eyes. In addition, it’s infused with angelic healing and powerful manifestation rituals to help you manifest fast.

Slow Burn

If the candle flames seem okay but it’s burning very slow, you need to be a little alert. It indicates you’re going through a challenging phase and things just don’t seem to be right. You are unable to focus on your goal and sometimes even have a feeling that you won’t be able to achieve it. To rectify this situation, try to meditate at least 15 minutes a day. It will help you relax and find your inner calling. You can even combine it with Twilight Bracelet that helps you relax and focus on the bigger picture. Packed with healing energies, it also creates a shell around you where you start handling the challenges with ease.

Split Wick

If you feel the candle wax is splitting or you notice it’s going in a specific direction, pause. Your guides are trying to contact you. They are trying to show you the appropriate path. They are here with you, trying to provide you with the right solution. Keep your heart open and try to notice things around you. You might get a signal from them. Don’t panic - it’s pretty normal. You can tap into the healing energies with Twilight Bracelet that will keep you relaxed so that you can focus more on the signals.

Sticky Wax

When the candle is burning right but you notice a lot of wax is just sticking to the glass of the candle, there’s something wrong. It indicates you’re stuck, your energy is having resistance and is not flowing the way it should be. You have good intentions, you have big dreams, but you feel stuck. You feel confused and baffled. In that case, connect with the nature. For instance, take a walk, get fresh air, sit near walk, talk to the flowers, and enjoy yourself. Nature will heal all the stuckness and you will bounce back stronger. Additionally, wear the Classie bracelet and it will give you back all the confidence you need to shine again.

Half Burn

Have you recently noticed the candles you’re lighting usually burn halfway and then the flame magically disappears? Many people tell me this during their energy healing sessions. And it has a lot to do with your finances. If you are struggling with finances, if you feel stuck in your career, or you don’t know how to take your financial life to the next level, your energy gets blocked. You feel excited when you think about your goals and desires, but then suddenly negative thoughts creep in. They just make you believe you’re not going to achieve it. The best way to deal with this situation is: Affirmations.

Write 3-5 powerful affirmations and start repeating those affirmations three times a day. It will reactivate your positive energy and the right flow of vibration will start. Moreover, you can also tap into a money bracelet that will resolve limiting beliefs and kick those negative thoughts away! My clients have seen unbelievable results with the money bracelet and I do hope it will help you jumpstart your journey as well.


If after burning the candle, you notice some residue at the end, that’s perfectly normal and you don’t have to do anything. Just focus on your intention and let the magic happen! In conclusion, keep focusing on your goal, follow the right path, and believe in yourself.

Additionally, if there’s any question, please feel free to write us at and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Happy Manifesting!


Amy Margaret

(Spiritual Healer, Reiki Practitioner, Angelic and Shamanic Healer)